Iya Hanik, B.S., B.A. Email: iya.hanik@yale.edu
Iya is a full-time research assistant in the CAN lab. She graduated from Temple University with a double major in Neuroscience (B.S.) and Psychology (B.A.) in 2019. She has previously worked on decision making with a focus on impulsivity along with substances of abuse’s effect on white matter tracts. Her interests include the neural mechanisms of addictive behaviors and clinical intervention methods.
Jodie Hung, B.S. Jodie is a full-time research assistant in the CAN lab. She graduated from Carnegie Mellon University with a major in Psychology and a concentration in Clinical Psychology in 2023. In undergrad, she worked in labs that conducted research on mindfulness and alcohol use disorders, and completed her senior honors thesis on self-report measures of alcohol craving. In her spare time, she enjoys rockclimbing and singing.
Maya John, B.S. Maya John is a full-time postgraduate associate in the CAN lab. She graduated from Yale University with a B.S. in psychology in 2023. In undergrad, she worked at the CAN lab to help develop digital clinical interventions targeting symptoms of craving, anxiety, and depression. For her senior thesis, Maya ran an RCT of a single-session self-compassion and mindfulness-based intervention that she developed. In the future, Maya hopes to pursue a graduate degree in clinical psychology, combining clinical practice and digital intervention development.
Kaiqi Zhang, M.A. Email: kaiqi.zhang@yale.edu
Kaiqi is a full-time research assistant in the CAN lab. He graduated from New York University (B.A.) with a major in Psychology and a minor in Music, and Teachers College, Columbia University (M.A.) with a major in Clinical Psychology and a concentration in Neuropsychology. His research interests center around the neuro mechanism and cognitive factors of mental health disorders, as well as developing and evaluating treatments. In his free time, he enjoys listening to and composing classical music, playing tennis, making coffee and tea, and reading random news/articles.